March 14, 2025

Independent Principles

Mixed group of nations behind the American flag.

An independent vote is a vote for change. Above all, we believe in the peace, freedom, and the wellbeing of all people.

Top Independent Issues

Some of the issues I believe will make the biggest difference that #independents must take the lead on now include:

  • Peacebuilding
  • Climate change
  • Term limits (for all elected officials, especially Congress)
  • Open primaries
  • Rank choice voting (or “approval voting”)
  • Campaign finance reform (especially related to PAC money and the high cost of running for office)
  • The elimination of lobbyists
  • Using #techforgood (rather than for surveillance and control)
  • The support of small business owners, including digital #entrepreneurs
  • And, of course, attracting passionate, independent thinkers to run as independent candidates.

These are issues that Democrat and Republican “status quo” legislators are not likely to embrace because they usually see them as jeopardizing their power.

We will be researching and writing articles on these top independent issues.

What are your thoughts?