“A house divided against itself cannot stand.” ~ Abraham Lincoln, 1858
I am independent now – in business and in life. I have witnessed the harmful effects of division in the United States firsthand, exasperated by the power and money struggle between Democrats, Republicans, and globalists. It’s threatening the wellbeing and lives of Americans and our way of life.
I created this site for people who are fed up with all of the political fighting and want a change. America must work for all citizens. This site also serves as my writing portfolio.
Right now, I’m sharing my thoughts and articles. In the future, I’ll be opening it up for you to post your ideas and solutions.
(Visionary News was started in October 2014. Independents Hall was started in April 2017. In 2025, have now combined these sites.)
Susan Beaver Thompson – Publisher and Managing Editor
I’m a solutions journalist and peace journalist. I enjoy traveling, meeting and interacting with people, telling their stories and practicing kindness. Developing original content that benefits the people (and gives them a voice) is my passion and forte. I am a liaison by nature. My personal mission is to connect people and ideas for peace and progress.
Read my LinkedIn Profile here.
Executive Summary
Independent. Social change agent. Visionary investigative journalist & entrepreneur with 25 years of experience in research, writing, editing, politics, journalism, management, marketing, business development, crowdfunding, consulting, teaching, alliance-building, nonprofits, and start ups.
Bold, creative, and innovative. Have led and managed print and digital newsrooms. Have developed content strategy for publications, websites, and blogs. Have managed on-site and freelance writers and editors. Enjoy teaching journalism (including top-notch interviewing and questioning skills), encouraging and bringing out the collective best in a group. Grants and proposals.
Holds Google & Yahoo Professional Certifications in digital marketing and writing. Digital background includes: web site launches, WordPress, SEO, blogging, photography, social media, videos and Google Analytics. Superior communication, presentation and networking skills. InDesign and Photoshop experience. P&L and budgeting experience. Excellent proofreading skills. Know MLA and AP styles well. Excel in developing and negotiating alliances and partnerships.
– Mobile Peace Journalist & Social Change Agent. On March 27, 2018, as part of #TripForPeace, I went back out on the road to hang with the people and tell their stories. Have been attending and covering peace events across America and writing a series of peace articles for social justice and peace-related publications and websites. Let’s celebrate peacebuilders, change the dialogue from war to peace, and make peace the #1 priority on Earth.
Here is the article on USA Today about my peace journey.
– Peace Builder & Peace Teacher. Speaker and Workshop Leader on peace, peace journalism. peacebuilding, and nonviolent communication – for children, teens and adults. Also speak on mobile journalism (mojo) and facilitate digital and in-person round table discussions using Open Space Technology (OST). Enjoy working with a number of non-profit peace centers, nonviolence programs, and peace-related initiatives. Developer of peace-related TV and film projects. Promoter of #techforgood.
Other Expertise:
– First staff hired in Nevada for Marianne Williamson’s 2020 campaign. Provided strategy, arranged key meetings and events, served as publicist for faith-based podcasts and articles, helped build community, handled weekly social media emails to volunteers, posted on social media.
– Former beat reporter (government and business) for Polk County News and weekly political columnist for Urbandale News. Wrote dozens of feature profiles. Involved in politics since 1981. Iowa delegate to Democratic National Convention in 1996. Precinct leader for Senator Tom Harkin and Bill Clinton in the Des Moines suburbs. Active Membership of the 21st Century Forum. Helped run Congressional campaigns and statewide campaigns. Wrote position papers. Independent since 2002.
– Former Chairman of the Iowa Lottery Board. Have served on venture capital and non-profit boards. Former chamber and economic development leader (advocating for small businesses), and Rotary member.
– Managing Editor for The Shenandoah Valley Herald, the oldest weekly paper in Virginia. Trained and motivated news, sports and sales staff. Wrote news, features, special sections and editorials. Developed materials for web edition. Won two Virginia Press Association awards (feature writing and editorial layout). Negotiated partnerships.
– Co-founder and Managing Editor of 7Bends.com, a regional news portal in the Shenandoah Valley. Responsible for content strategy. Wrote 500 optimized articles in a two-year period, including many investigative reporting articles. Created print supplements and web/print advertising packages. Negotiated partnerships.
– Taught research, writing, and editing (including AP and MLA style) at Cape Fear Community College, Blue Ridge Community College, Shepherd University, Northwest Florida State College, William Penn University and Des Moines Area Community College. Secured $3M in grants for nonprofit organizations.
– 15-year corporate career includes Management and front-line positions in Marketing Communications, Business Development and Sales at Ernst & Young LLP, MidAmerican Energy, TRW Information Services, Clear Channel, Hearst Media, the Air Force Armament Museum at Eglin AFB, and my own consulting firms. I was blessed to run the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year (EOY) program for three years.
Education and Training
– Master’s Degree, Business English, California State Polytechnic University Pomona, California, 1992.
– Graduate Leadership Program in Organizational Change Management, U.C. Irvine, 1987.
– B.A., Communication Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, 1981.
I enjoy exploring, travel, reading, garage sales, dining out, and the Washington football team. Besides peace and social justice, solving homelessness is important to me.
Contact me at: surfsongusa -at- gmail.com.