We are limiting our futures by adhering to what the U.S. political landscape has become, assuming things must remain as they are. That is, controlled by money and two bickering parties.
It’s clear the two-party system and all that goes along with it is not working for the people.
In recent years, after most of the U.S. government budget goes to war and weapons, not much is left for the people. And, in post-pandemic times, our domestic programs often encourage long-term dependence on the government, rather than enacting policies which encourage entrepreneurship, citizen involvement, self-responsibility, and ingenuity.
Those controlling candidates for the Democratic and Republican parties – i.e., the DNC and the RNC – provide no real choice. The DNC and the RNC are just political organizations; they aren’t mentioned in the Constitution. Yet, we allow them to dictate our political process. I’ve seen it up close and personal. Both parties keep nominating people who will perpetuate the status quo. The parties provide diversion and create division.
Yet now, many people are waking up and realizing that our two-party system – that thrives on Federal control – is not representing the interests of the American people. The truth is coming to light now, especially after Covid. We are being challenged to crystallize what’s most important in our lives – and in America.
Our planet – and the people who are by nature connected – are evolving. New possibilities are arising. Structures that have served us in the past are becoming irrelevant.
The two-party system in the U.S. is likely to be one of the first structure to unravel and morph into something more democratic at its very core, brought about by new leaders and through new technologies that can be used to serve democracy rather than to monitor and control people.
It’s high time to put away repressive power held by the few and welcome a new era of collaboration, of making the system all it can be based on who “we, the people” are now. As more of us grow in consciousness, ways to grow as a nation will become apparent because the people are the nation.
Most of our current candidates and elected leaders are not being real with us; they aren’t leading us in making any real progress in addressing the greatest dilemmas our species face on Earth right now.
The way we allow ourselves to be governed matters greatly.
Right now, there are decisions at stake that are more important than money. As Americans – just like all families on Earth, we just want to live happy, peaceful lives – and provide even better lives for our children, and grandchildren. We know that perpetuating the “war machine” – through militarization and violence, through incarceration, through raping Earth of her resources, and through poverty and “slave” wages – is not what the people want. Neither is getting the population, including children, hooked on pharmaceuticals and techno-gadgets for life.
Not addressing war on Earth (and in space) places a nuclear cloud over every human being’s short and long-term survival, and highjacks the future of every child on the planet (and every child to come). Only those who benefit financially from the war machine want war to reign on Earth. I believe that peacemaking can be what unifies us.
Over the last 20 years, I’ve come to a few stark realizations…
Realization #1 >>> Our current U.S. political system is corrupt. The career politicians we allow to remain in office are bought and paid for – regardless of their party affiliation.
Realization #2 >>> Not many people, regardless of their party affiliation, would argue that our current system is truly “of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Realization #3 >>> For the most part, U.S. candidates (and elected leaders) talk about each other’s faults and what they are against, rather than taking action on what they are for.
Realization #4 >>> The American people must reclaim our power, using “do no harm” as our guiding principle.
Serving as an elected leader must become about service – not about personally profiting from being in office. Rotation of leadership is one of the best ways to spur innovation and to prevent further corruption.
We have definitely outgrown a dualistic, two-party system. It’s time to evolve. If people want to keep the Democratic and Republican parties they can, but the system must be opened up to include true independents.
Our families, democracy, and freedom are at stake. Future generations are counting on us to speak up and take action. We must do so now.
For some initial ideas, read: Evolving Beyond the Two-Party System, Post-Covid.
Susan Beaver Thompson, Managing Editor and Reporter